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Saturday, August 22, 2009

Salata de portocale - Orange salad


o portocala
o ceapa rosie
otet balsamic
cateva fire de coriandru
cateva fire de patrunjel
ulei de masline

Ceapa se taie julienne si se pune intr-un castron, peste care se adauga sare, piper si 2-3 linguri de otet balsamic, dupa care se lasa la marinat 15 minute. Intre timp se curata portocala si se scot segmente din fiecare felie. Ceapa se scoate din marinata si se stoarce foarte bine. Se amesteca cu segmentele de portocala, patrunjel, coriandru si ulei de masline. Deasupra se mai pune putin piper.


one orange
one shallot
balsamic vinegar
coriander, parsley
olive oil

Chop the onion julienne, put it into a bowl, add the salt, pepper, 2-3 sp of balsamic vinegar and let it marinate for 15 minutes. In the mean time, cut the orange into segments. Take out the onion from the marinade and drain it well. Mix it with the orange, parsley, coriander and the olive oil and add a bit of pepper.


Friday, August 21, 2009

Porc in crusta de susan - Pork in sesame crust


200 gr de carne de porc
un pumn de seminte de susan (alb si negru)
o lingurita de sare
jumatate de lingurita de cardamon pudra
un albus de ou

Intr-o tigaie se prajeste carnea, pe toate partile, ca sa se rumeneasca. Intr-o tava de cuptor se pune hartie de copt. Se scoate carnea din tigaie si se pune pe hartie in tava. Intr-un castron se amesteca susanul, cardamonul, sarea si albusul. Se inveleste bine carnea cu tot amestecul si se baga la cuptorul incins la 160 grade aproximativ o ora.


200 gr of pork meat
a full hand of black and white sesame seeds
a tsp of salt
half of tsp of cardamom powder
one white egg

In a pan fry the meat, until it's slightly brown on all sides. In an oven tray put cooking paper. Place the meat in the tray. In a bowl mix the salt, sesame seeds, cardamom, salt and white egg. Put the mix over the meat and put it in the hot oven at 160 degrees for about an hour.


Sarmale Monti


400 grame de carne de vita tocata
30 grame de orez salbatic
varza murata (cam jumatate dintr-o varza)
o ceapa medie
suc de rosii
2 crengute de cimbru

Orezul se fierbe separat (aproximativ 1 h). Ceapa se taie marunt si se caleste putin, se adauga orezul fiert si scurs bine de apa. Dupa adaugarea orezului se opreste focul. Carnea se amesteca cu orezul si ceapa, deja calite, sare si piper (nu puneti foarte multa sare, pentru ca varza murata este destul de sarata). Se fac sarmalele, care se aseaza intr o oala sau cratita. Peste se pune sucul de rosii si crengutele de cimbru. Se fierb cam 30 de minute, apoi se pun in cuptor pana cand carnea este gata. Se incearca dupa 1h (verificati daca s-a fiert varza).
Se servesc cu smantana deasupra.


400 gr of minced beef meat
30 gr of wild rice
sauerkraut (about half from one cabbage)
one medium onion
tomato juice
2 branches of thyme

Boil the wild rice separately (about 1h). Slice the onion into small pieces, simmer it a bit and add the rice (well drained off water). After adding the rice, take the pan of the cooker. Mix by hand the meat, rice, onion and add pepper and salt (not too much salt, because the sauerkraut is already salty). Make the sarmale (roll the composition into cabbage leaves). Put them into a pan and add the tomato juice and the thyme. Boil everything for about 30 minutes and then put the pan into the oven. After cooking for one hour in the oven, check to see if it's ready (check if the sauerkraut is well done).
Serve with cream on top.


Chiftelute cu iarba de lamaie - Lemon Grass meatballs


jumatate de piept de pui
un bat de iarba de lamaie
o bucata de 2 cm de ghimbir
faina de soia

Pieptul de pui se taie cubulete (de un 1 cm), iarba de lamaie se curata de primele foi si se taie in bucati de 1 cm si ghimbirul se curata de coaja. Toate ingredientele se pun in blender si se mixeaza pana se face ca o pasta. Din aceasta compozitie se formeaza chiftelutele, care se dau prin faina de soia si se prajesc. Datorita fainii de soia vor iesi foarte crocante la exterior.


half of chicken breast
one stick of lemon grass
a piece of 2 cm of ginger
soya flour

Cut the chicken into cubes of 1 cm, clean the lemon grass of the first leaves and cut it into 1 cm pieces and peel the ginger of its skin. Put everything into the blender and mix it until they are squashed properly. From this composition make the meatballs and roll them through the soya flour and fry them into a pan with oil. Because of the soya flour, they will become crunchy on the outside.


Friday, August 14, 2009

Galuste(i) cu prune Monti - Dumplings with plums


2 cutii de naut (400 gr, fara zeama, ambele cutii)
100 gr de faina de soia
2 oua

Nautul se incalzeste putin si se scurge de zeama. Se pune in blender cu faina, cele 2 oua, putina nucsoara rasa si jumatate de lingurita de scortisoara. Din coca rezultata se fac galustile cu mana, cu prunele inauntru.
Din compozitia asta mie mi-au iesit 7 galusti, dar cred ca ies si 8 sau 9.

Pesmetul monti: se rasnesc in rasnita de cafea felii de wasa (eu am pus 3 sferturi dintr un pachet), se adauga o lingurita de scortisoara, nucsoara rasa si o lingura rasa de fructoza.

Deoarece nautul si faina de soia au tendinta sa se sfarame (imprastie in oala), am invelit fiecare galusca in folie de aluminiu. Se pun la la fiert aproximativ 25 de minute, dupa care se scot si se dau prin pesmetul monti.


2 cans of chickpeas (200 grams each drained)
100 gr soya flour
2 eggs
nutmeg, cinnamon, fructose
wasa fiber

Heat the chickpeas a bit and drain all the liquid out. Put in the blender the chickpeas, soya flour, eggs, nutmeg and cinnamon (half tsp). From this dough make the dumplings with the plums inside. This composition is enough for about 8-9 dumplings.

Crumbs of bread monti: grind the wasa fiber (3 quarters of a pack) with fructose 1 sp, nutmeg and cinnamon 2 tsp.

Because of the soya flour and chickpeas, the dough is breaking easily, so you have to wrap each dumpling into aluminium foil. Put them into a pan with water to boil for about 25 minutes.
Serve them on a plate after they've been rolled through the crumbs of bread monti.
